
The Dashboard contains both manager-api and web, but web is optional.

The manager-api and web will be included in this build guide product.


Before using source codes to build, make sure that the following dependencies are installed in your environment.


  1. Golang 1.13+: For users in mainland China, you can use the following command to speed up the module downloads.

$ go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct


  1. Node.js 10.23.0+

Clone the project

$ git clone -b v2.3 https://github.com/apache/apisix-dashboard.git


$ cd apisix-dashboard
$ make build

When the build is complete, the results are stored in the root output directory.

Note: make build will build manger-api and web, use the make help command to see more commands.


  1. After the build is complete and before you start, make sure the following dependencies are installed and running in your environment.

  2. etcd 3.4.0+

  3. Check and modify the configuration information in output/conf/conf.yaml according to your deployment environment.

  4. Launch the Dashboard

$ cd ./output

$ ./manager-api

# or running in background
$ nohup ./manager-api &
  1. Without changing the configuration, visit to use the dashboard with GUI, where the default username and password are admin.

  2. Stop the Dashboard

$ kill $(ps aux | grep 'manager-api' | awk '{print $2}')

Last updated